We can do more for you than you might expect.
Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. - C. S. Lewis
We work with people, listen to feelings, evaluate facts and figures.
We review and help you to refine your existing processes, or rework them from scratch.
We help you to run your business more efficiently.
- Leadership, Management and Organisation
- Management Consulting. Executive Coaching. Processes and Governance.
- Soft skills: Leadership. Power Speech. Effective video conferencing. Troubleshooting with 8D.
- Training in Professional Project Management.
- Quality Management Systems
- Implement your Quality Management System from scratch, or refresh an existing system.
- Internal and external audits. Certification audits on behalf of accreditation bodies.
- Get ready for your certification audit ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 17025.
- Swiss legislation on Chemicals
- Comprehensive training and consulting about the Swiss Chemicals Act and all related regulations: Training of "contact persons", permit "remittance of chemicals", storage and shipping of chemicals.
- We are accredited as examination body for the permit "remittance of chemicals" according to RS 813.131.21.
- We are certified as Dangerous Good Safety Advisor for the transport of dangerous good on roads (ADR/SDR) and by rail (RID/RSD).